Is Mexico Gastric Bypass Right For You?
Find your estimated weight loss after surgery.
Starting Weight
155 lbs
After 12-18 Months
155 lbs
Estimated Weight Loss
With you're estimated to lose 67 lbs over 12-18 months
You are currently below your ideal body weight and thus not a candidate for surgery.
Ideal Body Weight (IBW) represents the weight a person should be for their height. Excess Body Weight (EBW) is the amount of weight a person is over their IBW.
Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective ways of sustaining weight loss. According to statistics, more than 580,000 people undergo bariatric surgery annually. One of the most commonly undertaken procedures is gastric bypass.
But are you fit for this life-changing procedure?
That’s the question we’ll seek to answer in this piece. Let’s go through what gastric bypass surgery is, its benefits, who’s a candidate, and how to tell if you’re ready for it.
Gastric bypass surgery is part of bariatric surgery, which encompasses a set of weight-loss surgeries aimed at modifying the gastrointestinal tract to help with weight loss. These procedures make changes to your stomach, small intestine, or both.
Gastric bypass is also called “Roux-en-Y” gastric bypass or RYGB. In this procedure, the surgeon leaves a small portion of the stomach, called a pouch, that holds very little food, thus reducing how much you eat.
The rest of the stomach is thus “bypassed” with the food you ingest only going to the pouch and then your small intestine. You, therefore, feel fuller faster.
Gastric bypass surgery is often done laparoscopically. The surgeon makes several small incisions on the stomach and then uses a camera (laparoscope) to see inside and perform the surgery.
Surgeons can also perform a mini-gastric bypass. This is still a similar procedure done through a laparoscope.
Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective weight loss procedures. Most people lose significant weight between 18 and 24 months. Afterwards, they may start to regain some of the lost weight. However, very few regain all of it.
It is also common for obesity-related medical conditions to improve after gastric bypass surgery. Diabetes, for instance, improves rapidly. Other conditions, such as high blood pressure, may take longer to improve.
The most common side effects of gastric bypass surgery include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, increased gas, excessive sweating, and dizziness.
Complications may also arise, such as infection, bleeding, blood clots in the legs that can move to the lungs and heart, and leaks from the stitched areas. However, these risks are infrequent, with statistics estimating them at about 7%.
Long-term complications are also very rare. The most common one associated with gastric bypass surgery is the dumping syndrome, where food moves too quickly through the small intestine.
Its symptoms include diarrhea, weakness, nausea, sweating, inability to eat sweets without feeling very weak, and faintness.
Dumping syndrome can affect up to 50% of gastric bypass patients. However, you can prevent it by eating high-fiber foods instead of high-sugar foods.
Gastric bypass will have a positive effect on your weight loss journey. Start consulting with a bariatric surgeon today and prepare early for your gastric bypass surgery.
Is Gastric Bypass Surgery in Mexico Right For Me? Although Gastric Bypass is a great bariatric procedure, it’s not for everyone for good reason. Learn more today with our Free Consultation.
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