Pre-Op Orientation Conference

Please join us for a Pre-Op Orientation

Every Thursday
@ 6pm CST 

(4pm PST, 5pm MST, 7pm EST) 

 Followed by review of the Pre-Operative Diet

@ 6:30pm* CST 
(4:30pm PST, 5:30pm MST, 7:30pm EST)
(*Approximate start time, may be later due to Q&A time)


How to Join the Group Call

To join please call in with the call-in number the day and time you’d like to join and enter the access code.

Call-In Number: 267-930-4000 (dial this number)
Access Code: 584 984 673

Please note this call is mandatory for all new patients. Repeating the pre-operative diet call portion is recommended 1 week prior to start.

Following the pre-operative diet is critical to the success of your surgery.

Your overall goal is to shrink your liver by sending your body into ketosis by eliminating carbohydrates.

As a reminder, the diet details are provided in your booking email from your coordinator.

A general overview of the diet is as follows, please review in-depth in Pre-Op Diet material:

  • (2) or (3) Protein shakes a day. Premier Protein is suggest or follow values below:
    • More than 20g Protein
    • Less than 10g sugar
    • Less than 10g carbs
  • (2) servings of 4 oz. minimum of a lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, eggs, or tofu) w/ green vegetables
  • You can have unlimited green vegetable (No peas, carrots, corn, or potatoes)
  • Anything permitted in Clear Liquid Stage (2 days prior) listed below.
  • Absolutely NO bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, cereals, oatmeal, popcorn, refined grains, corn, peas, or sauces with sugar

Clear liquids start two days prior to your surgery. Clear liquids consist of the following:

Water or sugar-free flavored water

  • Sugar-free popsicles
  • Sugar-free juices i.e. Diet Ocean Spray Cranberry, Crystal Light or other sugar-free juices
    • Decaf tea or decaf coffee with artificial sweeteners
    • Clear broths: Chicken, Vegetable, or Beef (You can get creative i.e. Pho broth, just no food chunks.)
    • Non-Fat Greek yogurts w/o fruit chunks, non-fat plain/flavored (i.e. Oikos or Fage 0%) 2 per a day

No protein shakes are permitted during the clear phase.

Please fast starting at midnight the night before your surgery – no eating or drinking the day of your surgery.