Phase 3 of Bariatric Surgery Post-Op Diet

Pureed Foods – Phase 3 of Bariatric Surgery Post-Op Diet Do not let the term ‘pureed’ turn you off because there is a variety of foods that you can choose from that are not only high in protein, but they will also blend well to a smooth paste or a thick liquid consistency minus any solid […]

Weight Loss Surgery Abbreviations

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Below are the most common terms, definitions, and abbreviations for weight-loss surgery. Bariatric – This is a general term that refers to the various weight loss surgery options which can range from sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and duodenal switch among others which target the treatment of obesity. WLS – This means merely Weight Loss Surgery. […]

Aftercare in the USA after Gastric Sleeve in Mexico 

Aftercare in the USA after Gastric Sleeve in Mexico 

The recovery process and success of any type surgery will depend on a few things such as the overall health of the patient before the operation, the type of surgery they are having, the success of the procedure and the post-surgery aftercare. A few years ago, doctors in the US (while incredibly supportive of bariatric […]

vBloc Therapy

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The various complications associated with bariatric surgeries called for the need to look for a less invasive procedure with fewer side effects. Variable success rates have been reported by many studies after VBloc therapy with an average of 30% excess weight loss and improvement in comorbid conditions. Blockage of the vagal stimulation to the gastrointestinal […]

AspireAssist® – Aspire Assist Overview – From Aspire Bariatrics

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The management of obesity is an evolving field of medicine with new modalities of treatment being introduced and the old ones undergoing modifications. Some of the demerits of bariatric surgeries are the invasiveness of the procedures, the non-reversibility (except for gastric banding) and series of attendant complications. Bariatric surgery also alters the natural anatomy of […]

History of Bariatric Surgery

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The field of weight loss surgery has remained dynamic over the last 5-6 decades. For many centuries obesity was seen as a sign of affluence due to food scarcity, but due to technological and healthcare advancement, it is now recognized as a health problem. The first procedure that was done to achieve weight loss was […]

High Protein Foods For Bariatric Surgery

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Bariatric surgery is performed to help one conquer over weight dilemmas and regain optimal health but it also comes with a huge responsibility. To be successful, you must become watchful of what and how much you consume. One of the key elements in the diet following bariatric surgery will be protein. Importance Of Protein Following […]

Bone Broth For Bariatric Surgery

bone broth bariatric surgery

Bone broth is made from bones and the cooking process extracts more nutritional value from the bones to benefit your diet. Usually beef or chicken bones that are first roasted and then simmered for 24 hours or more. A little vinegar is sometimes added to the broth to help extract minerals. Spices and herbs such […]

Benefits of Choosing Mexico Board-Certified Bariatric Surgeon


Are you searching for a qualified and competent Bariatric Surgeon? A qualified México bariatric surgeon needs to have undergone a rigorous certification process under the Mexican Council of General Surgery AC and the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases AC. For a surgeon to be certified under both of these associations, they […]

Canada Obesity Statistics, Facts 2017

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Seven million Canadians are living with obesity, but according to the Canadian Obesity Network, there is not enough support for providing access to treatment. As much as obesity is recognized as a chronic disease, besides being told to lose weight by your doctor you’re pretty much on your own. Seven million Canadians are living with […]

Skin Removal (Panniculectomy), Cost after Bariatric Surgery

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Bariatric (weight loss) surgery is done for the treatment of obesity especially when dietary and lifestyle adjustments have failed to achieve a satisfactory weight loss. They also have an additional benefit of causing resolution or improvement in obesity associated disease conditions due to their significant weight reduction effects. These surgeries can either be restrictive or […]

Australia Obesity Statistics in 2017

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In medical terminology, overweight is a condition where a person’s body mass index (BMI) falls between 25 and 30 while a person with a BMI of 30 or more is termed as obese. Morbid obesity is the condition where a person’s weight interferes with the normal functioning of their body. Obesity in Australia is one […]

Ideal Height & Weight Chart [Infographic 2018]

A decent marker of how much your body fat is the weight measurement of BMI. Although it’s an imperfect measure, it gives a quick evaluation of the amount of your body is made out of fat. However, many may want to deduce the ‘ideal’ weight they should be weighing, below is a general guide. Below […]

Childhood Obesity: Alarming Statistics & Facts

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Obesity in children has become a source of health concern as significant proportions of children are currently overweight or obese globally. Body mass index (BMI) is a widely used screening tool for measuring both overweight and obesity. BMI percentile is preferred for measuring in children because it takes into account that they are still growing, […]

Why Bariatric Surgery Succeeds When Diets Fail

Weight-Loss Surgery is Proven Weight-Loss Surgery, as Most Patients See Immediate and Long-Term Success. Most physicians are settled on the effectiveness of bariatric surgery. Most see bariatric surgery as a proven, helping over 90% of patients, in reducing their obesity and levels of diseases and conditions. Bariatric surgery effectiveness is varied on the different weight […] Website No Longer Live, Found on

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Michelle Obama’s crowning obesity initiative, Let’s Move! The campaign, and it’s website LetsMove.Gov is no longer online on May 4th, 2017, nearly four months after Trump takes office. In fact, the content is being hosted on, a website place for archives – the National Archives. The site also reads this message, “This is […]

Trump Administration Decision Likely To Increase Childhood Obesity

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Trump’s Administration appointment to the Agriculture Secretary, Sonny Perdue, may have drastic consequences to children across the nation. After only six days on the Job, Sonny Perdue stall’s Michelle Obama’s Fight Against Childhood Obesity Michelle Obama’s has been fighting for stricter and tougher standards in the foods we feed our children’s school lunches and breakfasts, […]